Recovery Treatment

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Addiction Recovery Treatment Center in California

For every individual who is subject to drug and alcohol addiction, Tranquility rehab provides a good amount of addiction recovery treatment programs. These are offered to you by our professionals only after conducting a detailed assessment of the addict. We highly believe that every patient is different and is suffering from a different level of addiction. Hence there is no one-size fits all recovery program. Our professionals rather suggest a customized recovery treatment program that fits best in your scenario.

Lets Us Find The Right Recovery Treatment For You

If you or your loved ones are addicted to substance abuse, it’s time you find the right recovery treatment for yourself. Reading the different treatments above may have overwhelmed you, but let us help you get rid of this addiction. Ask for an assessment and our doctors will help you find the right treatment plan for you.

Addiction Recovery Treatment Center in California

Alcohol use disorder often ranges from mild to severe in our patients. Tranquility Rehab offers them different treatment plans based on their alcohol intake. We may begin it with an alcohol detox followed by counseling, medication, and follow-up care.
People use drugs either for enjoyment or to suppress pain without realizing that it can lead to drug dependency someday. But you still have a chance to quit and recover from it. We offer drug recovery treatment programs that include detoxification (if necessary), residential facilities, medication, and other side therapies to speed up the recovery process.
Medical detox is the first step in an alcohol and drug addiction treatment if only the addict gets completely dependent on it. It is mostly for patients with severe addiction problems that require immediate substance withdrawal to begin the primary treatment. We have specialists to take you through the detoxification stage while taking care of all your urgent medical needs.

We also provide a residential recovery treatment program which is also called inpatient treatment. It is mainly for those with severe addictions and who need 24/7 medical support to recover from substance abuse disorder. The patients stay within the ideal premises of Tranquility Rehab and continue their treatment. 

Medication services are extremely important in a rehab center. We keep a smooth medication supply and have everything ready at hand. These medications are prescribed by Tranquility Rehab’s specialists during withdrawal and throughout the treatment phase. 

In this healing program, Tranquility Rehab offers you multiple therapies and counseling programs depending on what really works for you. The aim of an emotional healing program is to make you emotionally strong to be able to live a mindful life. Anything can trigger you back to addiction which may cause greater harm this time. Hence, emotional healing is going to help you a lot even after recovery treatment. 

Similar to emotional healing, physical healing is also a secondary treatment. That you can be a part of at Tranquility Rehab. In this recovery treatment, we make use of diet plans, medications, yoga, and exercises to heal any physical damage caused by substance use dependence or withdrawal effects. 

Patients suffering from addictions need the most support to get back to normal life. Support group therapy works wonders to encourage such people. We hold mutual support group therapy, a 12-step therapy program, and therapy group programs for the mental conditioning of addicts. These therapies show them a new ray of hope and encourage empathy and mutual support for each other. 

Start the Admissions Process

Thank you for your interest in Tranquility Rehab. Send us a message and we will get back to you shortly!
