12 Step Program for Addiction Recovery

The 12 step addiction recovery program is a great way to assist you in recovering from addiction and abstaining from drugs. In 12 step anonymous groups, you find and meet other men and women who are going through the same thing you are. These groups provide a safe space to share your experiences, fears, and successes with others who understand what you’re going through. These groups provide you a way to stay connected to your sponsor and other members of your 12 step addiction recovery program. 

It is a highly effective approach when you combine a 12 step program with other treatment programs like inpatient and outpatient recovery setup, behavioral therapies or psychological activities, and medically assisted treatment. These 12 traditions provide a healthy framework to navigate your life. 

The time frame of this program is not fixed. People continue to get such treatment even for years. It can be given alongside the therapeutic treatments solely for appreciating and encouraging your inner self.

History of 12 Step Addiction Recovery Program Model:

Spirituality is the keystone of the 12 step addiction recovery program. All religious and non-religious people battling addiction can get help from it. It was created by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to treat substance use disorders (SUDs) in 1935.

This group was founded by Dr. Bob Smith and Bill Wilson. Bob was a doctor from Texas, and Wilson was a college student who had a drinking problem. He felt that he needed help for his addiction and decided to attend AA meetings. At first, he didn’t know how to get sober, but after attending several meetings, Dr. Bob and Wilson found out they were helpful. The 12 steps helped him to stay sober, and he eventually became a certified member of AA. 

Later, during the 1950s, more groups were added to alcoholics anonymous, like narcotics anonymous, cocaine anonymous, etc.

In the book The Spirituality of Imperfection by Ernest Kurtz, the 12step model is explained in detail. It is based on ancient values and traditions that are prevalent throughout the world’s religions and faiths. And the model of powerlessness in the 12 step addiction recovery program is easy to understand and apply to one’s life.

The 12 Steps of Addiction Recovery Program:

All 12 premises remain the same for different treatment programs that incorporate 12 step recovery program in addiction treatments. You may find that you need to revisit some steps to make a firmer grip on the recovery path because it is understood that the journey of recuperation from addiction is not smooth. You always feel a need for moral support from your peers and God.

Admit powerlessness begins when you admit that you are powerless and helpless over alcohol. 

Find hope: believe that the omnipotent power can restore your life to sobriety. 

Surrender: Make a decision to surrender yourself by putting all your faith in Him because you need continuous support on this journey.

Take inventory: in the fourth step, you reflect on your behavior and see how it affects you and the lives of people around you and make a fearless moral inventory of yourself.

Share inventory: you admit all your wrongdoings to God, yourself, and other people, 

Become ready: We are entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

Ask God: you begged Him to remove your shortcomings.

List amends: in this step, you list all those you have harmed and make amends to them all.

Make amends: then make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when doing so would injure them or others.

Continue inventory: Take a personal inventory, and when you are wrong, promptly admit it.

Pray and meditate: sought through prayer and meditation, it improves your consciousness and connection with the High power. The purpose behind this is to understand Him; praying only for His knowledge will give us the ability to carry that out.

Help others: Having a spiritual awakening from these steps, you carry the great message and apply these principles in your daily affairs and practices.

How long do 12 Step Programs Take?

The length of the 12 step addiction recovery program is variable for every person. But usually, it takes 90 days or 90 meetings to get a complete recuperation from any sort of addiction problem. At times it takes years for completion because recovery does not depend upon the time it takes to get through the steps. Instead, it depends on the participation and devotion of a person to the treatment. During the treatment, you may face relapse, or you get back again on the initial steps of the model, so it is essential to get thoroughly through each step.

Pros and Cons of the 12 Step Program:


  • You can make up meetings both online and in person at your convenience
  • These programs run on a donation basis
  • It offers the best social and moral support.
  • It is readily available
  • Encourages people to actively participate in different activities.


  • The 12 step program oversimplifies the complex addiction phenomenon
  • No system to measure the effectiveness
  • Some people find the concept of ‘High Power’ unacceptable.
  • Some people negate the rituals of AA.
  • It does not address physical recovery aspects. 
  • It may not be fruitful for specific groups like BIPOC and sexual minorities.

12 Step addiction Recovery Program in Tranquility Rehab:

Tranquility Rehab center offers the best execution of the 12 step model in all recovery programs. They motivate the patients and make them feel more robust enough to face each step of recovery with the help of a 12 step model in well-appointed and comfortable meeting rooms.  

Tranquility Rehab Center for Addiction Recovery:

Tranquility Rehab Center, the first rehabilitation center in California USA, provides you with all types of treatments, including outpatient and inpatient detox programs, along with the 12 step model and residential facilities for patients struggling with both drug addiction and dual diagnosis.

Our clinically certified staff focuses on the holistic approach of care for the patients according to their needs in a calm and serene setting. The licensed healing center is located at 94552 Five Canyons Pkwy, Castro Valley, CA . Its beautifully designed interior and exterior help patients get life-transforming treatment because a healthy environment assists in developing positive changes in the moods and attitudes of people. Our mission is to keep the well-being of our clients by providing them with all the tools and strategies they require to sustain their recuperation journey and avoid relapse.

All our therapy, family therapy, individual or group therapy, and behavioral or cognitive therapy, are highly individualized. Tranquility Rehab center aims to give you a safe and welcoming recovery space that will bring sobriety into your and your loved ones’ lives who are struggling with substance abuse problems.