Group Therapy

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Group Therapy Program in California

A group therapy program or group counseling is an integral part of a residential treatment program. And it has a crucial role to play in the complete recovery of an individual from addiction as well. Overall, this therapy program is highly effective in restoring lost hope and confidence in our patients. Hence, it is religiously practiced by our therapists in the Tranquility addiction treatment center for your well-being.

What Is A Group Therapy Program?

A group therapy program aims to bring people together from different recovery stages, all under the same roof, for several meaningful and motivational discussions. It takes place under the supervision of therapists, depending on the size of the group. The primary goal of a group therapy program is to invite people struggling with addiction for meaningful discussions, where they introduce themselves to one another and share their personal stories, which lead them here.

It is a kind of therapy where members with substance abuse disorders speak their hearts out and restore the lost hope and confidence that they are not alone. In this setting, people get inspired by one another’s stories and journeys to successful recovery, which flare up the hope that if others can survive and recover, they can too.

Therefore, the group therapy program is an active and vital part of the residential treatment program. Because people with substance abuse disorders often isolate themselves during the addiction phase, which shatters their confidence. Hence they need help to recover from it. Talking and listening to one another in this therapy program bridges the gap between minds and encourages them to complete the treatment until they fully recover.

How Does Group Therapy Help?

  • The group therapy program at Tranquility Rehab offers community support as a benefit.
  • It increases positive interaction and reduces isolation due to addiction.
  • It provides our therapists a chance to better understand the individuals’ behavior and mental health.
  • Members get inspired by seeing one another making progress towards recovery.
  • Creates a sense of belonging in society.
  • Removes hesitation from the members while building confidence in them.

Become A Part Of Tranquility’s Group Therapy Program

You feel visible improvement when you become an active part of the group therapy program at Tranquility. We have the best therapists to guide and support you throughout the session. We conduct it several times during the residential treatment program, which helps the members’ speedy recovery.

Myths About Group Therapy Program

We often hear people exchanging myths about the group therapy program which causes most people to refrain from participating in the therapy program. Hence, it is crucial to dismiss any myths here. Nonetheless, individual therapy is also effective and has its benefits, but it gives better results when you let us combine it with group therapy. So here are the answers to some of the myths.

  • Nobody would ever force you to share your personal experience and stories. It is entirely your call to speak about what you want to share and how long you want to speak. 
  • Each member is going through the same problem, and nobody will ever judge you.
  • Each group member gets the same level of attention and a chance to speak.
  • For some people, group therapy does not work well, or they still don’t feel ready. So we help them explore other options that suit their needs better.

Start the Admissions Process

Thank you for your interest in Tranquility Rehab. Send us a message and we will get back to you shortly!